วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

National Museum of Roi Et

Established under the National Museum of establishing the city as a venue and gathering should know all sides of the story. Was the only province that Et National Museum was established by Prof. Dr. espoused your cause Sawat Commerce. In order to become the museum. San Arts and Crafts. Fabrics, especially silk and later on local Siepkorn Department has a policy to establish The National Museum, the city has renovated more content on the show to include information about all aspects of the province. The geopolitical history of Archaeological Resources, important people, traditions and way of life, art and handicraft A minister. Established since the project began. Budget 2536, the year that has been the budget. Construction continued until the year 2540 is now complete. Budget includes the provision. Permanent exhibition. Fine landscape installed electrical and air conditioning systems. Preparation of meeting rooms. And special exhibitions. Improve housing authorities. The only. Exhibitors are bringing modern technology, including information systems. Making models, and various scenes of life to the presentation of the story. To be said that the National Museum of the modern One of the most in the care of the Department of Fine Arts.
Hours Open 9:00 to 16:00 pm Wednesday to Sunday, closed Monday, Tuesday and holidays.

